Didn’t u realize how much this would hurt?
Maybe that’s asking way too much
For someone like u
to think outside of yourself
When the sun rose
I spread my wings to cover u
Didn’t want the rays to burn u
When it stormed
I sprayed my wings to cover u
Didn’t want the wind to blow u away
I thought more of u
Than u could ever think of me
My wings intertwined with your soul
Believing we were growing beyond what was earthly possible
My wings caught u when u fell
My wings stroked your face when u were scared
My wings hugged away the pain
My wings kissed your tear-soaked lips
Didn’t you think some disappoints can never be healed
Wings can embrace all the possibilities,
But it can never erase all the pain and doubt
So instead of taking my wings and healing myself
I again, laid my wings upon your flawed soul
Hoping for a better outcome
Hoping for a better understanding
Hoping for regrets to be washed away
Hoping u will be the man I know u could be
Realizing in the moment
Healing myself from within
Concentrating on a better understanding
Allowing myself to feel the pain and disappointment